Bucks Couple Brings Technology to the Cemetery
In a sea of stone and marble, bright flowers break up the otherwise stark landscape of this Jenkintown cemetery.
But there’s something else that’s alive here.
At a little more than an inch wide, the concept of Lorie and Rick Miller’s company is helping to propel loved ones of the past into the digital age.
What they’re doing is creating digital legacies. All it takes is placing a QR code on a headstone and scanning it with your smartphone. You’re then brought to a web page, where you can read about and see pictures of the person who passed, all without leaving the cemetery.
At the time of Rick’s father death, this technology was more than a decade away from existence. Little did he know it would give his grandchildren something to learn about him from.
“She can scan her smart phone she can see pictures of him she can read about him she can even look at videos about him. And she can better connect with him just right then and there,” Lorie says of the technology.
The personalized memorial pages can be changed at any time, enabling family members to constantly update and add to their loved one’s legacy.
If you’re interesting in creating one of these Digital Legacys for someone you love, they start at 50 dollars for just the web page, and 99 dollars for the web page plus QR code.
Rick and Lorie are hoping to add video to these personalized web pages at some point, allowing family members to create and post tributes to their loved ones.